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Mount hard drive on Linux

距离上次博客更新已经超过3个月呢,这段时间实在是懒啊! 0. 问题 去年年末老板吩咐我买了台工作站,硬盘配置是512G+4T,但没过多久,/dev/

Docker study note


NAT traverse by ssh

还在为计算机无法实现远程操控而郁闷吗?还在为出差时无法登陆公司主机而发愁吗?还在为Teamviewer响应时间长而烦恼吗? 0. 废话 对于一般用户

MPI using Fortran

This is a short introduction to the installation and operation (in Fortran) of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) on the Ubuntu. 1. What is MPI? MPI(wiki) is a library of routines that can be used to create parallel programs in Fortran77 and C Fortran, C, and C++. Standard Fortran, C and C++ include no constructs supporting parallelism so vendors have developed a variety of extensions to allow users of those languages to build parallel applications.